Dental issues and accidents can happen at any time. Sometimes they require immediate treatment, and when that is the case, we are here to assist.
Our experienced and knowledgeable team knows that a dental emergency is never easy. However, we are here to get you as comfortable as quickly as possible. If you are seeking quality emergency dental services, please call us to schedule an appointment.

What is defined as a dental emergency?
There are several types of dental emergencies. Dental emergencies can consist of a sudden and severe toothache, an accident that chips or cracks a tooth, a damaged or loose restoration or a lost or damaged tooth. About 22 percent of people have experienced dental or oral pain in the last six months. To know if your situation is an emergency, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you have a painful toothache that will not subside?
- Are you in severe pain or experiencing sever swelling?
- Do you have a loose or knocked out tooth?
- Are you experiencing extreme tooth sensitivity?
- Do you have swelling in your cheeks or face in combination with a toothache?
- Are you bleeding from the mouth that will not stop?
- Did you injure your jaw?
In general, any dental problem that needs immediate treatment to stop bleeding, alleviate severe pain, or save a tooth is considered an emergency. This consideration also applies to severe infections that can be life-threatening and constitute contacting your dental office.
What is the best way to handle a dental emergency?
The first thing should be to contact your dentist. If the problem is extremely serious and cannot wait, then you should go to the emergency room. This is especially important if you are having any trouble breathing.
Depending on the type of dental emergency, there may be some things you can do to ease the pain. Some of those things include:
- Flossing to eliminate any pressure in the gums. You can also try to put a knot in the floss to knock out anything stuck in the gums
- If your tooth got knocked out, place in a container of milk and see your dentist immediately
- Use a cold compress on any swelling or painful area
- Swish with hydrogen peroxide to kill any bacteria
- Take over the counter pain medication
If you don’t have access to a dentist, call our office and we will see you the same day. It is very important to us that you have access to dental care, especially for a dental emergency!